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Best Coding Courses for beginners in 2023

Are you interested in learning how to code, but don't know where to start? Codecademy is a popular online learning platform that offers a wide range of programming courses, from web development to data science to mobile application development. In this article, we've highlighted the 20 best courses for beginners on Codecademy, including HTML & CSS, Python, JavaScript, SQL, and more. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced developer, there's a course for everyone on Codecademy. Start your programming journey today!


As a beginner looking to learn how to code, the idea of where to start can be quite daunting. However, Codecademy has got you covered with a wide range of coding courses that cater to your needs. With over 20 million learners worldwide, Codecademy offers a variety of courses for beginners to help you develop your coding skills.

In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the 20 best courses for beginners on Codecademy. We will explore what each course entails, the skills you can expect to acquire, and why it is crucial to learn them.

Let’s get started!

Learn Python 3

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. The Learn Python 3 course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Python programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. Python is an excellent language for beginners as it is easy to learn and has a vast community to support you. Python is used in various fields, including data science, machine learning, and web development. By learning Python, you will be able to build programs, automate tasks, and solve problems.

Learn HTML

HTML is the backbone of web development. The Learn HTML course on Codecademy teaches the fundamentals of HTML, including how to create web pages and structure them using HTML elements. HTML is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development. By learning HTML, you will be able to build websites, create web pages, and understand how the web works.

Learn CSS

CSS is a language used to style web pages. The Learn CSS course on Codecademy teaches the basics of CSS, including how to style HTML elements and make them look visually appealing. CSS is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development. By learning CSS, you will be able to create visually stunning web pages and enhance the user experience.

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive web pages. The Learn JavaScript course on Codecademy teaches the fundamentals of JavaScript programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. JavaScript is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development. By learning JavaScript, you will be able to create interactive web pages, add functionality to websites, and build web applications.

Learn SQL

SQL is a language used to manage databases. The Learn SQL course on Codecademy teaches the basics of SQL, including how to create and manipulate databases. SQL is an essential skill for anyone interested in data science or database management. By learning SQL, you will be able to create and manage databases, retrieve data, and perform data analysis.

Learn Git

Git is a version control system used by developers to manage their code. The Learn Git course on Codecademy teaches how to use Git. Git is an essential skill for anyone interested in software development. By learning Git, you will be able to manage your codebase, collaborate with other developers, and track changes in your code.

Learn React

React is a JavaScript library used to build user interfaces. The Learn React course on Codecademy teaches the basics of React. React is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development. By learning React, you will be able to build dynamic user interfaces, create reusable components, and build web applications.

Learn Java

Java is a widely used programming language in the world. The Learn Java course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Java programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. Java is an essential skill for anyone interested in software development. By learning Java, you will be able to build desktop applications, mobile applications, and web applications.

Learn Ruby

Ruby is a programming language that is easy to learn and has a simple syntax. The Learn Ruby course on Codecademy teaches the fundamentals of Ruby programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. Ruby is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development, particularly for those interested in using Ruby on Rails, a popular web application framework. By learning Ruby, you will be able to build web applications and automate tasks.

Learn Command Line

The command line is a text-based interface used to interact with a computer’s operating system. The Learn Command Line course on Codecademy teaches the basics of the command line, including how to navigate the file system, create and modify files, and run scripts. The command line is an essential skill for anyone interested in software development, particularly for those working with Linux or Unix systems.

Learn PHP

PHP is a server-side programming language used to build dynamic websites and web applications. The Learn PHP course on Codecademy teaches the basics of PHP programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. PHP is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development, particularly for those interested in building content management systems or e-commerce websites.

Learn C++

C++ is a high-performance programming language used for building complex applications, particularly in the fields of gaming and finance. The Learn C++ course on Codecademy teaches the basics of C++ programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. C++ is an essential skill for anyone interested in software development, particularly for those interested in building high-performance applications.

Learn Swift

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple used for building iOS, macOS, and watchOS applications. The Learn Swift course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Swift programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. Swift is an essential skill for anyone interested in mobile application development.

Learn Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. The Learn Ruby on Rails course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Ruby on Rails, including how to build web applications using the framework. Ruby on Rails is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development, particularly for those interested in building scalable and maintainable web applications.

Learn Typescript

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft that adds static typing to JavaScript. The Learn TypeScript course on Codecademy teaches the basics of TypeScript, including data types, loops, and functions. TypeScript is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development, particularly for those interested in building large-scale web applications.

Learn Kotlin

Kotlin is a programming language developed by JetBrains used for building Android applications. The Learn Kotlin course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Kotlin programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. Kotlin is an essential skill for anyone interested in mobile application development.

Learn Flutter

Flutter is a mobile application development framework developed by Google used for building cross-platform mobile applications. The Learn Flutter course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Flutter, including how to build mobile applications using the framework. Flutter is an essential skill for anyone interested in mobile application development.

Learn Go

Go is a programming language developed by Google and used for building high-performance applications. The Learn Go course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Go programming language, including data types, loops, and functions. Go is an essential skill for anyone interested in software development, particularly for those interested in building high-performance applications.

Learn AngularJs

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework used for building dynamic web applications. The Learn AngularJS course on Codecademy teaches the basics of AngularJS, including how to build web applications using the framework. AngularJS is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development, particularly for those interested in building single-page applications.

Learn Vue.js

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. The Learn Vue.js course on Codecademy teaches the basics of Vue.js, including how to build web applications using the framework. Vue.js is an essential skill for anyone interested in web development, particularly for those interested in building dynamic user interfaces.


Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced developer, Codecademy offers a range of courses to help you learn new programming languages and improve your skills. From web development to data science to mobile application development, there’s a course for everyone on Codecademy.

In this article, we’ve highlighted the 20 best courses for beginners on Codecademy, including HTML & CSS, Python, JavaScript, SQL, and more. We’ve also provided information about each course, including what you’ll learn, who it’s for, and why it’s essential.

By taking these courses, you’ll gain valuable skills that can help you advance your career, start a new project, or pursue a new hobby.

So why wait? Sign up for Codecademy today and start learning!

You can use our special link to signup on to Codecademy.

Looking for another list of the best programming courses to take? Read more here: Programming Courses